Friday, June 26, 2015

TransAm Bike Race - Feeling Better - Shout Out for Michelle and Lupus Awareness

Am stopping early today.
Had a good sleep last night and rode well today and I now have the choice of stopping here or continue riding another 65 miles to the next motel (...might be better than this one - not even a microwave I can use and pretty grotty - cheap though which is always a bonus!). Stopping makes this a short day as I started late this morning. However I have just had a Winter Storm Advisory message pop up on my phone and when I checked my radar app I see the front of a huge storm about 20 miles ahead and the area all red in the direction I am going. Red is never good - so I think I will stop and sleep and get up early.

I was a bit depressed yesterday when I realised the Tracker was showing different mileage to my maps and I effectively had another 200 miles on top of what I thought.  But I am fine again now.
Wanted to say thank you to all the people who have supported and encouraged me the last few days - those on the road and those of you leaving messages on Facebook etc - and especially Michelle who took the time to come find me and interview me.  I haven't really mentioned Lupus much this trip - but as always I am riding to raise awareness and encourage support of Lupus associations in both the UK and US. And as always there is a DONATE button on my website!! Its when I am feeling tired and ill and achey on my long rides like this  that I realise what people who have this autoimmune disease (like Michelle's daughter and my sister)  feel like so much of the time.  At least for me it's of my own choosing!!  Anyway - thanks again Michelle!

But I am definitely feeling better about things today. Just needed to catch up on some sleep. Today's 140 miles took about 12 hours (I think - the clocks keep changing on me!) - whereas the last 200 miles took over 20 hours. More sleep equals faster riding which means more time for sleep. Anyway thats my latest theory which I am going to work with for a while.

Jesse has now completed the race. Well done Aussie cousin - amazing.  I was a bit worried about him yesterday when his tracker showed him sleeping just a few miles before the Finish line, but I hear that everything is OK. I envy him his sleep opportunity!!

Today's riding was good.  there was some strong wind but as it was such a windy road anyway we were travelling north, south, east and even west at times so didn't really affect me too much.  Rolling tree lined hills - a beautiful ride.  My chest and stomach are feeling so much better - what a difference that makes. Ate better today than I have done for ages. All good signs that I  can get to the Finish in the next few days.  Hopefully!  Hopefully!!

Went to the Dollar Store nearby and stocked up with some snacks. Bought some Jimmy Deans to heat up - no microwave!!!  Funny.

Been wanting to have a rant about idiot drivers who insist on overtaking cars when approaching cyclists on narrow roads.One such idiot in a Nissan 350 Z nearly killed me today. Wish I had taken his number and reported him.  He decided to overtake at ~ 100 mph while I was riding towards him.  I was way over on the hard shoulder but it's still very scarey when a car heads directly at you at that sort of speed on your side of the road.  He got the finger!

Another observation is the obsession about cutting grass that seems to spread across America at this time of year! Obviously its necessary but it is pretty funny.  I seem to have been watching people mow their lawns literally all across America.  It seems like every other house I pass there is someone sitting on their mower riding round in little circles. Especially aware of it earlier riding through a lovely little town seeing so many people out cutting grass. They were even cutting the community area at the edge of town with an extra gang of people weed whacking away!  Overheard conversations in cafes/diners "Must go - I have to cut my grass..." "Yesterday when I was cutting my grass...."  "When are you going to be cutting your grass?"  "After I cut my grass....."
Just find it amusing!

Didn't take many photos today - difficult sort of terrain for snapping shots - will try harder tomorrow!

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