Saturday, October 6, 2012

24 Hours in Moab

Title of the Live Tracker should be 24 Hours of Moab - I forgot to ask Matthew to change it before I started - Maybe he will be able to before I finish. Starts at 12 noon Saturday October 6th - through to October 7th!

Set in the enchanted, red rock desert, most of the course is on an old jeep trail, but it's technical enough that you have to pick your lines, carefully if not stategically.

All-in-all, it's a very fast course with several big-chainring sections where you can push 40+ miles an hour. Pro's consistently break the one hour mark on this roughly 15-mile course.   The course has super-fast and super-fun terrain, technical double-track, slick-rock sections, gnarly down-hills, 1,360 feet of climb per lap, and some of the most spectacular scenery in the world!