Monday, January 31, 2011

Valley of the Kings and a Mint Massage January 21

Woke up early and met up with Kendra out front – the three of us walked down to the Nile to meet our guide who took us across the Nile in a local taxi boat, the plan being to avoid all the other tours who tend to offer 1 hour trips to the Bridge. It was kind of fun travelling across in the boat and on the other side we picked up a taxi to the Valley of the Kings. We bought a three tomb ticket (there are hundreds of tombs it seemed) - our guide was really good explaining things as we went! We went to the tombs of Rameses (II and III) – the insides were incredible – perfectly engineered – square cut walls, plastered, carved and painted – incredible! The first one we went down was slightly downhill along a straight corridor for about 50m and at the end there was a huge granite sarcophagus – it was massive. The colours on the wall were incredible.

The reason we visited the second one was because of the artwork – most of it was absolutely perfect – but what was unusual was that the artist had copied it from other tombs – this is not normal – usually they are the original work of the artist.
The third one we visited had been completed in a hurry we were told – there were some very steep steps that led further down below ground than the others again to another big sarcophagus – the colours inside were amazing – very bright – possibly because this one was further underground?

We then had a look at Tutankhamun’s tomb – but it was not that spectacular because it was quite empty – everything is kept at the museum in Cairo! We then got back in the taxi and went to another temple – this temple was even more amazing than the one we had visited in Luxor yesterday! – much bigger and less ruined! It was really cool to walk around and imagine what it must have been like – such a grand place for prayer – and not even for that many people to pray in!! The carvings here were much deeper – it seems that they learnt later to carve deeper. However this made it more difficult for a new King to carve over the top with new symbols when he took power! A lot of the faces had been chiseled out – sometimes because of robbers and sometimes because a particular religion did not believe in some of the Gods depicted and so would chisel out the faces! We spent quite a long time here and took loads of photos!

Our guide then took us to a shop selling papyrus type paintings – similar to yesterday but much nicer! They gave us tea and falafels and less of the hard sell – so I bought a small painting! We then took the boat back across the Nile – there was a lot of stuff going on on the river – a crazy amount of boats ranging from the little water taxis to huge houseboat/hotels which offered week long trips on the Nile – also a lot of old fashioned sailing boats!

We decided it would be good to have a massage so we found a floating hotel with a pool and then went back to camp to get our swimming costumes. Well we all agreed it was an awful massage – not exactly what you would call a sports massage – I don’t think she was actually trained at all – but anyway she rubbed some mint oil on us which burned at first and then cooled down to the point you felt really cold!. The swim in the pool was nice – there we were in a pool in a big barge floating along the Nile!! More falafel and time to return to camp and get ourselves organized! Ready to ride again the next day!

Luxor - the Ancient Temple - January 20

Scott and I had decided to share a hotel room in Luxor – but first we took out our tents and put them up as we only intended to spend one night in the hotel and camp the second! Also they were still soaking wet from the previous night so needed to dry off!

It was surprising really though because although it had been a really hard day again I was feeling pretty good - the only problem is my ankle and achilles - the same problem I had on previous trips – I have been applying tiger balm – hopefully it will ease after a while as it did before!

Had a really good afternoon in Luxor. We went into town after a welcome shower and ate some street food – falafels and more!

Luxor Temple was quite amazing! At first we couldn’t find the entrance to the actual temple and instead went into a mosque which had been built on top of some of the ruins – we thought that was quite incredible in itself – building on top of such ancient buildings (about 3500 years old!) There were parts of the original temple inside the mosque. The different carvings were really interesting – different inside and out – some actually carved into the rock – others standing separately! Eventually we found the temple entrance – there was a huge obelisk - incredible to think it was made from a single piece of granite! Loads of carvings on it! Although a lot of the place was in ruins it was still really interesting looking around – the size alone of everything is amazing! We met a guide here and arranged a trip for the next day – the hotel prices for tours were $65 and this guy was going to charge us $60 between three of us so we thought it sounded like a good deal! Only trouble was we would have to leave early next morning! So we headed back towards the hotel wandering around some markets on the way – ended up first in the tourist market where they really badger you with the hard sell. Managed to collect an unwanted guide/escort – and after a short while another one! They took us through the locals market – with everyone trying to sell us something – quite funny really! They then took us to a restaurant for falafels and to a shop where they were obviously hoping for some commission! Unfortunately they got a bit upset with us when we wouldn’t tip them! Every taxi that goes by tries to get your business – every shop you pass tries to sell you a coke – its hard work with so many people in your face all the time!

Back to the hotel and the most uncomfortable beds ever! It was great getting our laundry done though and of course the best thing was the bathroom! Much better then having to unzip your tent in the middle of the night! We were pretty tired and it was quite late by now – not to mention that we had agreed to meet our guide at 7am – so we fell asleep quickly on those uncomfy beds!!

Lightening Fast into Luxor - January 20

After I emailed you yesterday and sent the day’s blog I returned to camp for the evening! It was quite a boring camp sited near a police check out and some sort of generator – there were also groups of little huts dotted around nearby. There was a tap on the side of the building which was quite good – I was able to have a tap shower! After eating we did some yoga and then I took my cranks off to clean them – they keep clanking when I am riding! Then off to bed. A little while later I heard a loud screeching of breaks followed by a crash – someone going in to the police checkpoint barrier! Not surprising as it was very dark and they are quite awkward to drive through even in the light. You have to zig zag through in single file – this guy obviously didn’t quite make it!! Anyway I had a little giggle to myself and then went back to sleep!
There was no horn from the truck this morning and unfortunately I was late getting up. This meant I had to rush around to get ready in time – everyone was waiting on me as we do try to leave in a group! I had knocked into my tent earlier and loosened the tent pegs – with it not being so taut the heavy dew had really collected - this meant it was soaking wet with me trying to put it away quickly on a dirt site – you can imagine the state of it as I shoved it into the bag!

Ok – so got on with the day! This was our last day of riding before our day off in Luxor. We are still following the Nile. Once again we set off very fast in the morning – I really do not enjoy going that fast! Paul and I did try to slow things down a little when we took our turns at the front – the Brams kept the speed going and Dennis and Horst kept pushing it! Before I knew it we were at lunch – not a very long stop though – a quick tuna sandwich! Again the afternoon was very fast until the last 10 km or so where we met some traffic in Luxor!

We were to camp in the grounds of a local hotel for two nights!

Noisy escorts and Birthday Cakes on January 18th

During our ride today we had our usual escort following, including an ambulance! Suddenly they started playing the most awful, awful music you have ever heard! I was actually at the front when it started and I thought the noise was the squeal of brakes at first. It was only when I moved to the back after my stint at the front that I realized it was actually music blaring from one of the trucks in our entourage. It really was the worst sound ever! We did try to get them to turn it off! You will hear it on the video eventually!

Earlier we were all sitting around and celebrating Lindsay’s birthday (guy from New Zealand) when one of the girls , Carrie, announces that she has a cake for him! Obviously just expecting that she had bought a small one from the local supermarket we were amazed when this massive, all decorated cake is brought out! It seems that her sister’s friend lives in a village nearby and had arranged for it to be made and delivered – quite a mission! But very cool!!

TdAfrique 2011 3rd Week

Dongola to Khartoum - 533 Km
Jan 30 Stg 12 Dongola to Dead Camel camp - 141 Km
Jan 31 Stg 13 Dead Camel camp to Desert camp - 143 Km
Feb 1 Stg 14 Desert camp to Desert camp - 148 Km
Feb 2 Stg 15 Desert camp to Khartoum - 101 Km
Feb 3 Rest Day

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My First Stage Win - January 18th

My First Stage Win - January 18th

Short day today – about 100 km – but I am running a little behind in the morning! Needed the bathroom (I am sure you needed to know this) – which meant taking a shovel and walking off into the hills – whole process took longer than I had anticipated!! But I rushed around and was ready to set off with the group at 7.10 – 5 minutes earlier than we had said! I made it!!!

So we went easy - - - for about 5k – then the speed picked up and we got faster and faster! Not managing to enjoy the scenery at all – but at least I am feeling a lot better than I have the last few days. Not feeling ill is a real bonus in itself – the good sleep despite the storm obviously helped!

We cycled past a shopping centre – with still 5 k to the lunch stop – and started joking about stopping for a cheeseburger!! Lunch today at 9am – I hadn’t even finished my sandwich before I see everyone getting back on their bikes ready to set off! I didn’t want to lose the group so I chucked down my sandwich and hopped off with them. After about 10k the speed picked up and we started losing people – I recorded 50 kmph at one section of the ride – so fast! Attack after attack and I was really struggling to hang on! Managed to! Was getting spurts of strength, then losing it, then feeling good, then losing it again ………..

However realized we were getting close to the end so began to think that maybe I could manage a sprint at the finish to win. Was feeling quite good! Speedo was saying we were at 94km so I knew we must be really close! The Egyptian riders took off so I went with them! Saw the roundabout and remembered the instructions to turn left – I looked around and there was just myself and the two Egyptians – so I went for it! It felt really good to win!! However I went bombing past the Finish line so quickly I had to turn around and go back to punch in – and by that time a couple of riders behind me had actually punched in their buttons ahead! Hopefully we can get that sorted - but anyway – all done – just before 10am!

Today’s camp is at a beach resort – 50 m or so from the water’s edge. So I put up my tent , changed into my board shorts and went for a swim and sat in the sea for a while. Felt really good!

We then wandered off down to the town and had a ‘proper’ meal indoors – for the first time for 4 days – really nice! Went to a shop and bought a load of snacks and am now walking back to camp recording this blog! Going back later to find some internet access – maybe also go to a Vodafone store for a SIM card. The afternoon is looking good! The sun was shining and it was lovely to sit on the beach and admire the view!

After our pizza we returned to camp for dinner – I actually feel full for the first time so I am officially happy!!

Desert Storm January 17th

Stage 2

Didn’t sleep at all well last night – we were camped on quite a main road with trucks passing by all night – very noisy! Nobody seemed to get much sleep! Anyway I took the opportunity to organize my tent so that was good! We had arranged to leave camp at 8am but turned out that everybody was ready by 7.15 – Scott and I left a few minutes later! We met Peter along the way – he’s the guy who tries to keep the group together – we tried hard to pull him back into the group – I even went back for him at one stage. We were a group of about 20 – all helping each other – and rode together till lunch time.
Lunch was better for me today – cheese and ham sandwich – still very early though – about 9.30 am
We left together as a large group after lunch (although the last group of about 5 that we had picked up just before lunch stayed a little longer)

At about 100 km the main group accelerated and just took off! At speed! I had just finished my turn at the front when this happened and dropped back so it was a real killer for me when they all sped off! I had to really pedal hard to keep up with everyone! Once again they just kept accelerating – once again I decided not to. However we were a real mess for a while – trying to keep our remaining group together and get a rhythym going! I hadn’t been feeling well all morning and was feeling pretty awful by now! Eventually we got everyone working together a lot better – but I did not feel good! It would come in waves and I was not eating enough!! Managed to get into camp about 12.20 – 20 minutes behind the leader – but at least by slowing up I was beginning to feel a bit better! Not as exhausted! I had hoped we would get to a petrol station today to stock up with some snacks but I guess not!

We camped on the side of the road again but it seemed a lot quieter this time! Also went for another swim though it was even further to walk! All good though!

People started to arrive at camp a bit earlier today – a few people had ridden the trucks today and yesterday – which means they have given up EFI status – the wind was a killer! The racers are still all in!

Chilli and mashed potatoes for dinner – Scott and I thought we were going to help out for a while – ended up scrubbing very dirty potatoes for quite a long while!!

Am ready for bed now at 8pm. Very tired and still not feeling great! So – hopefully will sleep better tonight – good night mum!

Post Script:

Went back to the tent – looked at the video I’d been taking – trying to play around with the settings and managed to delete all the video from the first and second days – not good!! Very annoyed at myself!

Anyway – woke in the middle of the night to a howling wind – there was a crazy storm going on outside! My tent seemed fine but there was sand pouring in though the vents – everything inside was covered with sand. I could hear my bike bag flapping away like mad so I got out of my tent to make sure it was secure and tighten it up – all was fine – there was nothing more I could do – so I got back in my tent. I had to turn around away from the sand still pouring in but I then quickly fell fast asleep! In the morning I found out that it was indeed a huge storm, raging for about three hours with tents being torn out of the ground!! I slept through it all!! I was very relieved that I had actually bothered to put my tent pegs in properly the night before though – which I hadn’t the previous night!!

Campsite January 16th

Basically we had stopped at the side of a stretch of road - on the south side of a dual carriageway - the north bound lane is about 100 m away. The area was or had been walled off - perhaps to keep animals in? The landscape is ugly desert at this stage with the Red Sea on one side - lights in the distance from a Power Station. We set up our tents against the wall for shelter and go and get some soup. - its really early - about 1.30 and I am starving! I keep eating soup, drinking tea, eating soup etc etc - trying to eat as much as possible and re hydrate as well. We all decide to go for a swim so walk towards the sea - it turned out to be a lot further than we thought - over some oil pipe lines and down to a dirty beach complete with some trash boats! However the water felt really good on my legs - it was quite warm and sunny by now - I just stood in it for quite a while!

back at camp I got my solar panel out - it works really well - am very pleased with it - it charges my Garmin fully and then does my video camera as well - really good!

slowly the other riders keep arriving at camp - but it seems ages till we are all here and ready for our Rider meeting - with instructions/information for the next day! Dinner - once again our plates were piled high but I couldnt eat it all - I am going to ask for a smaller portion tomorrow. Fish stew with rice - really good! Sat with scott and we discussed trying to get some crisps/pringles maybe even noodles to snack on immediately after the ride! Also maybe a snack later at night?

After dinner we head off to our tents to get organised - need to be better prepared tomorrow! we can start when we like tomorrow but the truck with the bags will leave at 7am so need to be ready by then!Think we are aiming to start at about 7.15 As Racers we might as well start together in a group - its a lot easier to get 100k out of theway together - then race if you want to - at least thats what I think - hopefully the others will too! OK - I am off to bed!!

First Mando Day January 16th

5.45am wake up call! The van sounds its horn twice to announce its time to get up. Its cold and dark and I don’t know where all my gear is – but I am not really hurrying – just getting my bearings. The race starts at 7am today. Suddenly someone shouts “5 minutes till race time” and I realize I have to pack up my tent and sort my stuff. I run over and just throw tent and poles into the bag – I just throw everything in and rush to the van – and manage to get there in time!

Its going to be a long day – just over 100 miles. We set off in a group – all moving at a fairly good speed. We are waved through the various police checkpoints – it’s a good group. The scenery is fairly boring at this stage but begins to get mountainous on the right hand side and then we find ourselves taking a sharp right at the Red Sea and we then follow along the coast on a very windy road! We pass lots of construction sites – half finished resorts! The sun comes out and it gets a little warmer – there are about 20 people in our group. The riding is quite relaxing – we are able to help each other along.

Lunch at last – the stop came about 70 km along this road - Before this Scott and I had arranged a bathroom stop for the whole group – so that we didn’t separate and could continue together! I was very pleased to see my lunch! Peter the Plumber, an Australian living in South Africa had become our leader, giving instructions and keeping the group together – he did a good job!

The Egyptian riders were very keen to push the race – they were on road bikes which helps when you are talking about speed – after about 90 – 100 km they just take off! Paul Wolfe goes with them and so do I! But I expect to accelerate for a while then slow down again – but no, these guys had other ideas! They keep going at speed. With another 60 km to go I really don’t want to ride at this pace and so decide to slow down. So I slow down and two other riders came up behind me – they have plans to catch up with the leaders and try to persuade me to go with them – but I just didn’t think it was worth it and decide to let them go. It is really windy out there and even when I was riding behind the Egyptian rider earlier I was not getting any benefit as he is so small – no shelter there! I decide to wait for the group to catch me up! It was very windy and I was hoping to get a bit of help, a bit of a break by riding with a group. Good move – after a while 4 riders joined me and we made a good group. Quite slow at first – they explained that when the Egyptians went off the group got split up at first and took some time to get back together – it was good riding with them!

I was really hungry by this stage – lunch had been at about 9.30 – too early for me – with a longer afternoon session than morning! I struggled for a while, then felt OK, then struggled – I was hungry and really not feeling very well. We rode well together and finally reached the rest stop – by that time I was really looking forward to the short break. We asked about the guys out in front – the two riders were still chasing Paul and the Egyptians – I was so glad I had not tried to go with them!

Today is a mando (mandatory) day – which means you have to keep whatever time you get (you are allowed 5 grace days overall when you can get rid of your worse times – but mando days don’t count). The rules say you do actually have to beat the local racers to win the stage and get the bonus. I thought they were after the win! As it turned out Paul Wolfe did beat them and so did get the bonus – well done Paul!

So – it was nice in our group – a few of the riders were feeling some pain – so we would slow every now and then to help. Unfortunately Peter eventually dropped off though we did manage to pull him back in a few times. It was so good to see the Finish line! We punched in at the finish together as a group – my button didn’t work but it was OK as my time was recorded the same as the others in the group!!

Rest Day in Dongola - Jan 29th

Had a long email chat today with Paul as he patiently sent over a whole load of blogs and photos and caught up with some general admin. He sounded in really high spirits, totally enjoying the experience and talking about his new friends and the race in general. He obviously had really enjoyed yesterday's riding and is happier with the pace he settled on. I will get his blogs up as soon as possible over the next few days - doesn't look like they will get internet access again for a week as they have some remote, dirt riding ahead! Great photo - click title to see!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Friendly Sudan

I have found the internet finally and we have a day off tomo so I am going to come and sit here all day and send you as much data as possible. I am great and enjoying Sudan - the poeple are very nice and friendly. Have had a good race today - and looking forward to a day in Dongola.
Hope you are good and say Hi to dad
good night

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ferry from Egypt to Sudan

A good account can be read on Scott's blog page:

Here is an excerpt talking about going through immigration control at the port in Wadi Halfa:
The docking was uneventful though rather slow: all the riders would wait to be the last to disembark. This translated ito waiting ~3 hours to meet with an immigration official. I was next to Paul as we met with the offiical and nearly wet myself laughing as Paul had to try and explain his profession of “Ski Resort worker” to a guy who had no idea what sno or skiing was. He finally cleared and quickly said, next time I will be a “home builder”.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wadi Halfa, Northern Sudan

As you can see from the tracker, TDA tweets and various other sources (as well as the attached photo) the expedition has arrived safely in Northern Sudan and are on their way in convoy to the town of Wadi Halfa before riding again tomorrow!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 9 Internet Frustration

All is fine! We have reached Aswan and just have a short ride in convoy tomorrow to catch the ferry across to Sudan. However I have spent a lot of time trying to get my files sent across - I spent 2 hour in an internet cafe 1 hour loading attachments and then the email failed!
Next time I tried I spent another two hours trying to send 1 file to mobile me and again it failed!

Have just returned from the vodafone store for 3 hour trying to get a usb internet stick but its still not working!! Can't be helped - time for bed!

On the Ferry, Lake Nasser

Just heard they have all squeezed on the ferry with all their gear after a long wait ready for a long journey aboard!! Great photo showing locals use of the ferry!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 9 Idfu to Aswan

Well, as we can see from Paul's tracker he has arrived in Aswan after a relatively short ride again today! No news yet from him. However fellow rider Scott sent in this photo of Paul earlier yesterday in Idfu. (click title to see) Scott writes a great blog with insight into their daily experiences!

The riders have a chance for a rest on their ferry ride into Sudan.

2nd Week Schedule

Luxor to Dongola - 636 Km

Sat Jan 22 Stg 7 116K Luxor to Idfu
Sun Jan 23 Stg 8 115K Idfu to Aswan
Mon Jan 24 -Travel by Ferry Lake Nasser to Wadi, Sudan
Tue Jan 25 - Travel by Ferry
Wed Jan 26 Stg 9 150K Wadi to Desert camp
Thu Jan 27 Stg 10 148K Desert camp to Desert camp
Fri Jan 28 Stg 11 107K Desert camp to Dongola
Sat Jan 29 Rest Day

Thanks to Paul and Christine Wolfe (fellow riders) for this update!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Back on the Road - Edfu, on the Nile

Have received Paul's OK message having arrived safely in Edfu, further south on the Nile. Sounds as though it has been another fast paced day!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Rest Day in Luxor

Have had a brief email from Paul - he managed to get one blog through from Day 5 as well - not sure why he is having problems uploading!

"good had a busy day looking at temples and stuff trying to send blogs and a few photos but not working very well"

He doesn't waste words!!

The last email : " feel good but need to go to sleep and somone is snoring" - so I dont think we will be getting much more out of him for now!!!!

Day 5 - Slow Down - We Are Going Too Fast!!

So have a good night's sleep and leave from camp around 7am. We are now heading back in land from the Red Sea towards the Nile. We have been told there is a 40 km slow climb - the pace speeds up very quickly - it seems like we are the last to leave as we are passing lots of riders. We are spread out in single file for the first time and going very fast - the pace is hard! I want everyone to slow and am wondering how many people are still behind me - if the group is still there. I am thinking that when we hit the top we will slow down a little. When i move to the front I try to slow the pace a little but we are still going very fast. When the top of the hill finally comes they take off down the other side!! I was hoping for a bit of a rest but no chance. The valley we were climbing was really nice with stone hills all around. After a little descent and some flats we began to climb again. The speed is too fast! I decide I don't want to ride this quick so i drop off the back - it feels a lot better. I cant beleve its so fast when there is such a long way to go - it seems crazy to keep riding at this speed!! I ride on my own the last 10 km to lunch - the group is still there, taking their time. I think they were tired and had felt the ride. I stuff down a tuna sandwich and then leave with the group for the afternoon. I dont like the speed and am just hanging on for most of the afternoon. I keep thinking of dropping off and thinking how much time i would lose - but as the km pass i decide I might as well hang on if I can. I can but i dont want to!! I have already decided to ease up as soon as i see camp. Finally the finish is in sight and I sit on the back of the group and coast to the finish line. I am happy the day is over. We set up camp at the road side next to a police check point!!

Pharaoh's Delight - Cairo to Luxor

Thanks to fellow rider, Paul Wolfe (current overall leader) for this photo showing the distances covered so far (in km) Click on title to see it!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Camping in Luxor

Bit short on direct news at the moment but Paul's tracker (along with today's OK message) pinpoint him in Luxor. If you take the coordinates and put them into Google Earth they seem to be situated near/at Rezeiky's Camp. Looking at their website there does indeed seem to be a group of TDA looking riders who have visited in the past! So I am guessing thats where they will be camping tonight! Enough with the detective work - lets hope Paul can find some internet access and we can hear his news soon!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sandstorm in Egypt

Well - seems like they had quite an experience camping two nights ago!

The wind started to pick up around 19:45 and got steadily worse with several tents actually blowing away and everyone struggling to keep theirs intact. No idea yet how Paul fared with his - hopefully will hear soon!

Today's race is over - Paul's OK message received - and tomorrow is a rest day - sounds as though they will be needing it!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 1 - Wild Ride through Cairo

This was not a race day - just a ride - so no pressure. We rode in convoy through the closed off streets of Cairo with a police escort - people at the side wondering what was going on - I guess we looked like a professional bike race! We zig zagged our way through town and then entered the highway with police motorbikes at all sides stopping the traffic for us - it was wild!

After about 15k or so we left the highway and the race began!! It was good - mixing and matching with different riders. I stopped for the bathroom and so fell behind and then found Scott who was great to ride with. It was too cold to stop long for lunch so we got on our way to try to warm up and found ourselves overtaking a few people in our efforts. However there was no need to rush so we just took it easy after that and cruised in to camp.

Felt pretty good about the ride. There had not been much to see along the route - flat desert! However there were areas where they seemed to be busy building new roads and structures. Why?

The soup was good and then we set up our tents and waited for al the riders to arrive - then a riders meeting where we found out about the route for the following day! This was followed by a MASSIVE portion of spaghetti bolognese - too much even for me! It had been a long day and it was dark and cold - most people were off to their beds by 7pm!!

Day 1 - Coffee, Cake and Camels at the Pyramids

It was difficult, in fact impossible to sleep the night before we set off. I was sharing a room that night and for fear of disturbing my room mate ended up sitting in the bathroom eating sandwiches in the middle of the night! 4.30 am alarm, followed by breakfast and then due to leave at 6am with our police escort. Turned out to be about 6.30 and I was freezing (even with leg warmers, armwarmers and the rest!)
Was a bit worried about my spare handle bars which I had to leave in a 'permanent' bag which we had to pack to leave till the first rest day on Thursday. Reason for this being that them main TDA trucks have been left in Ethiopia as nobody is yet sure whether we will be able to ride through Sudan because of the current situation and so we are using temporary trucks for now! My concern is that I didnt expect my handlebars to be in a bag that might be thrown around a bit - still can't be helped!

We leave the hotel to ride in convoy to the pyramids. So cold! When we arrived we were allowed in through the gates of the three pyramids and able to ride our bikes all around with the camels (well before the tourist buses arrived!) We then had coffee, cake and a riders meeting by the pyramids behind the official start banner!!

At last we were off!!

Day 4 - Paul's First Win

Beach camp at the end of Day 4 - which, apparently, Paul has won! Seems it was a shorter ride today - only about 100 km along the Red Sea. Must have been the promise of showers and civilisation that spurred him along today. Well done Paul!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 3

Haven't received Paul's OK message yet today - but the tracker is still on - obviously showing them at camp at the end of Day 3. Apparently it was very windy today so will be interesting to hear how they coped with that! Looking forward to receiving Paul's news when he gets internet access!

Thanks to Matthew who has updated the website with easy access to the Guestbook and a direct link to the TDA Results Page (no actual results to see just yet!)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 2

Have just received Paul's OK message - which means he has finished for the day!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Paul is using a SPOT tracker which not only sends out his position as seen on the map on the website, but is also able to send a message at the touch of a button. Anyone following on twitter will receive this set message - it's really just to stop me (mum) from worrying about him!!

Day 1

Well from the tracker position it looks as if Paul has completed the first day's riding - about 70 miles and not counted as a race day. If you put the coordinates from SPOT into google earth you get another perspective of the riders location. Time to test out the camping gear!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Pharaoh's Delight - Cairo to Khartoum

Early start tomorrow morning, January 15th, for the beginning of the first section.
The Tour d'Afrique starts at the legendary Pyramids of Giza, on the outskirts of Cairo. As one of the wonders of the world, the Pyramids are a perfect embarkation point for the intrepid journey ahead.

Missed Breakfast

Fell asleep at 11 last night but woke again at 2 am. At about 6 I thought I would get up - next thing I knew it was 10.30 - which meant I had missed breakfast! Not good!! Had a racers meeting today - given our clock in/clock out buttons. Tomorrow is not a race day - am really looking forward to getting on the bike though, getting out of the city! Then tomorrow night I will see how the tent and sleeping bag/mattress etc all work. Its already a lot cooler than I thought it would be - so have already tested out my down jacket and fleece!

Can't wait for tomorrow!

Cataracts Pyramid Hotel, Cairo

Finally made it to the hotel, travelling in the taxi with three other riders who flew in with air France an hour and half after me. Bit of a crazy ride to the hotel (reminded me of nepal) and took a while for the hotel to find my reservation (as I was a day late) - but all sorted and we went off to find some food! Burger and a beer!!
The other guys were tired as they had flown in from Europe - of course I had slept on the flight from New York so found it difficult to get back to sleep. Checked out my bike - all seems OK although the box was pretty battered. Did eventually get to sleep but got up early and found the buffet breakfast - very good! Have met lots of new people - but not doing so well remembering names!
Walked into town, had a rider meeting and then went on a fun ride through the streets of Cairo. Unfortunately we didn't make it to the pyramids as planned - but it was good to get on the bike. It was a bit chaotic - about 50 of us on the busy streets with cars, people, bikes, carts etc.
back at the hotel spent ages sorting out my bags as we will only have access to one till our first rest day in a week's time - and of course that will need to include all our camping gear! Think I've managed to sort it though. More food and time for bed!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


GPS is currently showing location of Paul's hotel in Cairo - proof that he arrived there OK!

Cairo Airport

At around 10pm in New York it starts to snow and pretty hard - I feel good though that the flight will still be fine - they are used to snow in JFK .We leave the gate on time but go to de-icing which takes a while and then finally 40mins late we take off. I am finally on my way to Cairo - just hope my bags made it on to the plane! 
I slept most of the flight and we landed fine - then to the airport - lines of people all over, signs I cant read! I join one line then realize I need my visa so have to go in a different one - it all happens fine though! Now for the bags! Will they be there? The first one comes out quickly but no sign of the bike or other bag. I hear some guys saying "no more bags coming". I am trying to think "what is in the bag I have and what am I missing?" Well there is probably an oversized area for my bike - lets go see! And then I see it ok - 2/3 not bad! After picking up the bike I see the other bag just sitting on its own in the middle of the floor
I am happy all the bags have arrived safely!!

There are people everywhere with signs collecting people - some before passport control and some at baggage claim and then I can also see some outside which are not allowed in - they must be the cheap taxis! But I don't see any with my name!
Damm I really forgot about this bit I have no idea of the hotel or the taxi name I just expected to see someone!

I look for a phone but there are not any. I look all over for somone with my name but no! They must have not have received the message about the change of day. I end up sitting with a guy who has a mobile phone trying to call home wondering how much he is going to try and rip me off for this? It doesn't work and still cost me $5

I need the internet. I am told I need to go on a bus for 10 mins to get it - no way!
I go sit on my own and pull out my computer to see what number I have saved - there is free internet - great!

I write down the taxi company and the resort and seem to remember seeing a sign with that name but unfortunately, before Security. After trying to go back through and asking around the rep eventually finds me and explains they had no idea about the flight change. I will have to wait for another TDA rider to arrive and share a ride with them! No problem there!


Paul, bike and bags have arrived! Now the adventure can begin!!

Travel Update

So - my original flight with BA via London from Atlanta was cancelled Monday! Atlanta was a mess after an overnight snowstorm. managed to reschedule with Delta via New York same day - amazingly just about the only flight out of Atlanta to new York that day. Fortunately dad has a 4 wheel drive so managed to get to the airport OK. However flight was delayed so missed my connection to Cairo at JFK. Eventually got to hotel at 1.30am. Spent the day in New York taking care of some last minute purchases - but was not dressed for the cold (was dressed light for travelling/Cairo) Mum was freaking out about the snowstorm set to hit NY Tuesday evening - the following day's Cairo flight had already been cancelled!! Eventually got out of JFK just as the snow started - en route to Cairo!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Unexpected Delays

Had a great time skiing in Utah - although managed to get a bit lost one day trekking over the back of the Canyons with Sara!! Arrived back in Roswell to complete last minute preparations but woke this morning to 6 inches of snow - quite unheard of in the Atlanta area! BA cancelled my flight to Cairo via London and had nothing else to offer me till Wednesday! Managed to rebook with Delta on the only flight leaving Atlanta for New York today with a connection to Cairo this evening! Unfortunately the flight to New York left nearly three hours late and so have missed my connection to Cairo! Have now got to hope that I manage to get out of NY tomorrow night before the same winter storm delays flights from there! Never expected this race against time before I even got to Africa!

Ready to leave for Cairo

With the bike ready to go so is Paul. Set to fly out from Atlanta to Cairo via Heathrow this evening! Woke this morning to a record 6 inches of snow here in Roswell, Georgia - unbelievable!
This evening's flight has already been delayed to 10pm - watch this space!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas & New Year Update

Got back from Colarado to spend christmas with the family and more importantly get some last minute training in. The last thing I expected was to be cycling in snow christmas day (in ATLANTA!!) - at least my new Specialized Tri-Cross bike is great, especially with all the upgrades done by the team at Roswell Bicycles. The next few days was spent testing different tyres from Specialized and Schwalbe (in the snow still).

Brought in 2011 with some family and friends in Atlanta before jetting off to Utah for some "high altitude ski training" (or fun on the slopes!) - HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!

Really excited about Africa now and have managed to get a new GPS tracker working on the website so you can track my progress - currently testing it out while skiing!